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Working with an IT Service Provider: Strengths You Need to Know

Working with an IT Service Provider: Strengths You Need to Know

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on September 3, 2021
Last updated on October 14, 2024 Post a comment

In today’s technologically driven world, a solid IT is not only advantageous, but it’s also a necessity. Businesses of any industry need technology to succeed. But Technology evolves fast, and keeping up with it takes not only dedication but also resources. By working with a business IT support provider, you can get that IT monkey off your back, get tangible savings, and mainly focus on what you do best: which is running your business.

What is an IT service provider?

An IT service provider does a lot of things, but the ideal way to describe it is it’s a company that provides proactive IT services to businesses and organisations using various technologies. Information Technology service providers are composed of teams with expertise in various areas of IT wherein they can offer organisations with appropriate IT services that will assist them in their technological woes.

Strengths of working with an IT service provider



Due to their exposure to different industries, Information Technology Service Providers are on top of their game not just in technology but also in understanding the issues businesses face on a daily basis. They continually invest in training, gaining technical qualifications, and earning certifications to keep their A-game.

So, by working with an IT Solutions Provider, all these training and accreditations are included in the package.

All in all, they should be able to offer solutions that hit the mark every time.


IT as a Strategy

IT is not merely a tool to access the internet and get things done.

It should be an integral piece of your business strategy that helps you achieve your targets and KPIs.

By working with an IT Service Provider, you can focus on shaping your IT to improve operations and efficiencies, boost employee productivity, and aim for business growth.



We've been around long enough (26 years!) to know that a seamless IT overhaul can be challenging, especially if you're not using an IT services provider. 

With that said, be sure to leverage the long history and experience of your IT Service Provider to ensure that any change, no matter how big or small, does not disturb your business operations.

A good IT Solutions Provider should maintain an upbeat and friendly attitude. They should always be around and ready to help 24x7x365.

As much as we love IT here at Office Solutions IT, we know that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. That’s why we know that the right IT Service Provider should deliver a great IT experience right from the planning and onboarding stage right the way through to the dedicated support. 


Has values that add value for clients

No matter the partnership, whether business or technological, working with an IT service provider means you must share the same values to achieve long-lasting performance, and mutual growth and create competitive value for the organisation. These values include:

Growth as a necessity

Okay, you implemented an IT solution for your company. Then what?

Implementing IT shouldn’t just be a one-time thing.

When it comes to technology, there is always something to improve upon. Maybe not right now but in the future. An IT Service Provider should always aim for growth. Never settle with a process or infrastructure just because it’s working now – they should focus on future-proofing your tech.

All in all, working with an IT service provider means you get to optimise tech and find growth opportunities.


Innovation is a necessary skill in the IT world. Both you and your Information Technology Service Provider should share an innovative outlook toward your business and IT in general. There is always something to learn and improve upon along the way. The key here is to strive toward development.


100% transparency should be one of the core values you and your IT Solutions Provider must share. Honest communication is a key factor between you and your managed service provider to succeed in this partnership.


Pricing Transparency

Some surprises are great: hotel room upgrades, office doughnut parties, or winning the lottery, but sneaky IT changes are not one of them.

Good IT service providers offer packages that have been created specifically for the needs of businesses and offer full transparency of inclusions, so you know exactly what you’re getting. 

Basically, by working with an IT service provider, you only pay for what you need. And a vCIO partner will guide you through the right path with the right level of support for your business to meet your budget.

No more, no less.

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How to Choose the Right IT Partner for Your Business - PDF Version


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