Our Community

Being there for clients and our community-1

Being there for clients and our community

We love IT, and it shows in the way we think and work. We love helping our clients get more out of technology and their IT budget. And we enjoy making the whole process as enjoyable as possible.

But, without wanting to get too existential about it, there’s more to life than bits, bytes and business, which is why we make time to do the right thing by our community, as well as our clients.

How we help people in our community

From raising and donating funds, through to sponsorships and pro bono work, we encourage and enable our people to support various community and charity initiatives, including:

Youth Futures

Pipeline Challenge

We are proud to be the Naming Sponsor of Youth Futures flagship fundraising event,Office Solutions IT Pipeline Challenge. As a team, we also participate in the epic five-day mountain biking adventure which traces WA’s iconic Golden Pipeline, raising funds for the Nest Program which supports young mums and bubs escaping homelessness or domestic violence. You can support our OSIT Team at PipelineChallenge.com.au and help make a difference to young families in need.

youth_futures_logo      Pipeline Challenge_Words Only
OSIT Pipeline_1
OSIT Pipeline_2
OSIT Pipeline_3
OSIT Pipeline_4
OSIT Pipeline_5

Youth Focus

Hawaiian Ride For Youth

We sponsor and participate in the Youth Focus Hawaiian Ride for Youth – a 4 day charity bike ride travelling from Albany to Perth to raise funds and awareness for Youth Focus. While cycling through towns in WA’s South West, our riders visit high schools to engage and inform students on issues of youth suicide, depression, anxiety and self-harm, as well as the services that Youth Focus provides.

Hawaiian Ride for Youth  Youth Focus
James Sutherland 1 - Ride for Youth - opt1
James Sutherland 2 - Ride for Youth - opt2
James Sutherland 4 - Ride for Youth - opt3

Our Community & Environmental Initiatives

Each year we try to improve our community, and improve our environmental footprint. Here are some of the projects we have completed over the last several years:

  • FY21

    Recycle aluminum cans

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  • FY22

    Replace all halogen lights with LED lights at our Perth Office

    Solar Panels

    Co-Mingle waste bin

    Recycle decommissioned e-waste

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  • FY23

    Started measuring our carbon emissions with an aim to reduce our carbon intensity (per $1m in revenue) by 45% by 2030

    Offset our entire carbon footprint and certified as Climate Active Carbon Neutral

    Achieved recognition as a Certified B Corporation

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  • FY24

    Offset our entire carbon footprint and renewed Climate Active Carbon Neutral certification

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Environmental Performance

Emissions Reduction Strategy

Office Solutions IT is committed to reducing absolute emissions wherever possible and practical, and aims to reduce CO2-e intensity per $million revenue by 45% by 2030, from our 2022 base year.

To facilitate this, we are seeking to:

  1. Scope 1 emissions:
    Reduce operational travel emissions by incentivising staff use of smaller vehicles, low emission or zero emission vehicles.
  2. Scope 2 emissions:
    Increase the use of solar energy for electricity generation and install LED lighting throughout our company headquarters in Perth
  3. Scope 3 emissions:
    OSIT will encourage team members to conduct meetings via teleconference rather than in person to reduce the need for air travel. Any airfares purchased for essential meetings will be carbon neutral by including the purchase of carbon offsets with the ticket purchase.
    Implement a Net-Zero preferred-purchasing policy developed in October 2022. The new purchasing policy will require OSIT team members to seek out goods and services in our upsteam supply chains who are committed to Net Zero emissions and certification through Climate Active (or equivalent international certification)
    Transition our data center to a provider that supplies a carbon neutral product and is committed to Net Zero.
    Reduce employee commuting emissions, through initiatives such as subsidised public transport and/or access to free car parking for employees that car pool or drive electric vehicles.

We will continue proactively working to identify further opportunities to reduce our carbon emissions.

Emissions Summary FY23

Emission category Sum of total emissions (tCO2-e)
Accommodation and facilities 5.33
Bespoke 0
Cleaning and chemicals 5.65
Climate Active carbon neutral products and services 0
Construction materials and services 1.76
Electricity 44.96
Food 0
Horticulture and agriculture 0
ICT services and equipment 47.20
Machinery and vehicles 0
Postage, courier and freight 39.39
Products 0
Professional services 81.08
Refrigerants 1.97
Roads and landscape 0
Stationary energy (gaseous fuels) 0
Stationary energy (liquid fuels) 0
Stationary energy (solid fuels) 0
Transport (air) 91.23
Transport (land and sea) 217.57
use for duplicates 0
Waste 6.67
Water 0
Working from home 4.24
Office equipment and supplies 11.49
Total 558.55
Uplift for unquantified emissions 5.59
Total including uplift 564.13
  • Emissions Summary FY22

    Emission category Sum of total emissions (tCO2-e)
    Accommodation and facilities 3.94
    Air transport (fuel) 0
    Air transport (km) 25.81
    Bespoke 0
    Carbon neutral products and services 0
    Cleaning and chemicals 5.47
    Construction materials and services 7.91
    Electricity 72.07
    Food 0
    Horticulture and agriculture 0
    ICT services and equipment 13.60
    Land and sea transport (fuel) 216.38
    Land and sea transport (km) 0
    Machinery and vehicles 0
    Office equipment and supplies 14.62
    Postage, courier and freight 11.78
    Products 0
    Professional services 117.78
    Refrigerants 0
    Roads and landscape 0
    Stationary energy 0
    Waste 5.69
    Water 0
    Working from home 4.66
    Total 499.72
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Our Donations & Sponsorships

As part of our ongoing commitment to the community, we donate money to worthy causes or chose to sponsor events or teams. Here's what we've donated recently:

  • FY20

    The National Youth Mental Health Foundation: $300

    Youth Futures: $500

    Autism West Support Inc: $340

    The Movember Group Pty Ltd: $101

    Lifeline WA: $1050

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  • FY21

    Youth Focus: $34,500

    Youth Futures: $22,000

    PCITP Tour of Margaret River: $2,318

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  • FY22

    Youth Futures - Naming Rights Sponsor Pipeline Challenge 2023: $16,500

    The Children of Joy Foundation-Philippines: $2,000

    PCITP Chrismas Appeal for Salvation Army: $159

    PCITP Kit Sponsorship: $2,800

    Wanneroo B.M.X. Raceway Club - 40th Anniversary Bash Rider class Sponsorship: $400

    PCITP Tour of Margaret River: $5,260

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  • FY23

    Youth Futures - Pipeline Challenge 2023 - James Sutherland & Dan Pavic: $742

    Base Resources - Rhino Charge 2023 Sponsorship: $2,000

    MACA Cancer 200 2023: $2,000

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  • FY24

    Entrepreneurs Organisation (EO) Perth: $20,000

    Dry July Foundation: $60

    Fight Cancer - Footy Colours Day!: $518

    PCITP Tour of Margarent River: $2,272

    Youth Futures Ltd - Naming Rights Sponsor Pipeline Challenge 2024: $17,000

    Lion Cancer Institute - Donation: $600

    Australian Foundation for Fostering Learning in the Philippines: $1000

    The Children of Joy Foundation - Donation: $1000

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  • FY25

    Entrepreneurs Organisation (EO) Perth: $10,000

    Lion Cancer Institute - Donation: $600

    Cancel Council WA - Donation: $158

    Youth Focus - Donation to Hawaiian Ride for Youth: $2,000

    PCITP Tour of Margarent River: $2.623.64

    Pedalare Pty Ltd: $2.728.18

    Integration and Empowerment Services - Donation: $3,912.97

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"Thank you so much for working with us for the past 2 years, it's been a real pleasure to deal with a company with such integrity. You have been pivotal in the success of moving MHLC into the current century! We've loved your pragmatic & down to earth approach."
