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Why is IT Important in Business?

Why is IT Important in Business?

Igor Pavic Igor Pavic
Originally published on December 13, 2022
Last updated on October 14, 2024 Post a comment

IT has influenced our lives so much that it’s hard to think how we could survive without it.

Even the most mundane tasks like banking, ordering food, and even shopping are influenced by IT.

In the business aspect, IT has brought significant benefits to the way we work and the services/products we produce for customers.

IT is important in business because it evokes innovation. And as a business owner/decision-maker, you should know that innovation is what brings success.

If done right, your business will operate more efficiently, the products/services you provide will enhance in quality, and your team will boost its productivity.

In the 21st century, where almost everything is digital, not integrating IT into your business will set you back decades, and you will miss out on opportunities you could have been enjoying. But no worries. It's never too late for your IT team or an IT support service provider to help set you up for success. 

Sadly, we see too many executives having second thoughts about IT.

They mostly fear change or focus on its cost rather than the advantages it can bring to their business.

If you’re one or the other or both, let me show you a few more reasons why IT is important in business and how it can help you get your business to the level you want it to be.

Improves employee productivity

One of the vital contributions of IT in business is automation. Automating boring and repetitive tasks allows employees to focus more on other tasks, thus letting them accomplish more stuff in a short period.

Although human error is a common thing in business, automation will lower any chances of human error since systems, and the workflow will handle most of the load, which will result in more accurate and quality output.

Aside from automation, what makes IT important in business is it gives employees the ability to accomplish their tasks more efficiently since they can work remotely, collaborate with colleagues, access documents anytime and anywhere, and multitask.

The great thing about this is IT applies to any industry and size. If you’re an accounting firm that needs to automate its tax return computations or a law firm that wants to simplify its appointment-setting process, IT has your back.

Enhances communication

When businesses adapt to IT, they open a plethora of benefits to both their customers and employees. Let’s look at each one and see how IT impacts their communication to the business.


One of the crucial factors of an ideal business-customer relationship is communication.

There would be times that a customer may contact you regarding a product defect or some inquiries about your services.

Your business must have convenient, quick, and clear communication with customers. And with the help of IT, you can provide various ways for your customers to reach your support team or get the answers to their queries aside from calls such as website FAQs, social media, chat support, and email.

IT plays an integral role in making your customers happy. When customers interact with your business, ensure that you are reachable through different platforms.

Remember: You have to make your business as reachable to customers as possible. This will create the impression that you are a trustworthy business.


Communication also plays a critical role in business success, especially among co-workers. When employees have reliable means to communicate with one another, they collaborate better and produce better work output. And it just so happens that IT has the capacity for that.

Collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams make this possible.

You can conduct video conferences, communicate with co-workers through chat and call, track projects and tasks, and collaborate on documents all in one app.

The best thing of all is it’s perfect for both remote and in-house teams.

Reaches customers easier

Gone are the days when marketing was only possible in newspapers, flyers, and TV commercials. Although it did have its moments back in the days before the internet, not all businesses can afford it.

Now, even small to medium-sized businesses can reach their ideal customers without the hefty cost.

IT has enabled businesses of all industries and sizes to conduct market research, run ads on different channels and platforms, and make data-driven marketing decisions to make the most out of their budget.

Innovates processes and operations

IT is important in business because it brings seamless operations to the table. And seamless operations are very critical to business success.

Managers have to consistently track and make processes more efficient to deliver results in the most efficient way possible. And one way to do that is by utilising information technology.

Once you employ IT in your business, you’ll notice an increase in staff productivity and output.

By injecting technology into your operations, you can optimise processes and automate repetitive tasks to minimise delays and human error. Ultimately, these changes will help you reduce operational costs and help you grow your business to the capacity you want.

Remember that nothing is set in stone when it comes to IT. There is always something new to try out or optimise in your processes.

The key is to always look for opportunities for growth to get you where you want to go.


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Improves customer experience

Customer experience is a critical factor in business success, and IT is needed to make it happen.

Customers are the foundation of your business. They’re what makes your business succeed. And if they’re not happy, you surely won’t be.

From what we’ve established in the first half of this article, IT is so much more than customer support for a business. Moreover, delivering customer experience includes a good website, order process, online payments, and personalised recommendations.

The goal behind customer experience success is to make the customer’s purchase journey a breeze with little to no interruptions as possible and one of the most cost-effective ways to do that is by implanting IT into your operations.

Remember, when you make your customers happy, they will become loyal business ambassadors.

Has expansive and reliable data storage

Who loves manually sorting out documents, transaction records, and receipts?

No one.

Not only is this inefficient, but it’s also a security hazard.

When you’re handling critical business and customer data, cyber security is the number one priority. With the development of IT through the years, businesses can now store their data in a secured storage space in the cloud.

Unlike storing crucial files in your office (wherein any random person can access it anytime as long as they have the key or lock combination) storing your data online prohibits this instance from happening since you will have passwords and multifactor authentications involved.

What does that mean?

That means only a few authorised individuals can access your data.

In some cases where emergencies such as cyberattacks or office fires occur, this can serve as your backup so you won’t lose any critical data. Your backup will give you an easier time getting back to business as soon as possible.

Reduces business costs

They say that when you’re putting your eggs in the proper baskets, your ROI will skyrocket.

IT has brought wonders to the world, especially to businesses. Innovation and efficiency are a few of them.

When you think about it, once innovation and efficiency kick in, you’ll notice significant cost reduction on business resources. Businesses of all sizes and industries will have this benefit only and only if IT is done right.

For example, instead of wasting thousands every year on printing, postage, paper and ink, and delivery, you can digitally send documents to your associates instead. It’s a much faster and cheaper alternative than traditional mail.

Another example is automating repetitive manual tasks to speed up processes, limit human error, and allow more people to focus on much more pressing tasks.

When your business has agile and effective operations, you’re hitting two birds with one stone. Not only are you getting more work done, but you're also reducing costs.

And it’s all because you merely automated a few processes.

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